What do I do if I can't remember my password?
Please click the 'Forgot Your Password?' link on the Log In page to be emailed with a link to reset it. If you require any further assistance, please click the blue chat bubble in the bottom right corner to chat with the support team.
Will I need to download specific software?
Google Chrome is the recommended browser for this platform. If you typically use another such as Microsoft Edge or Safari, we recommend that you download Chrome prior to accessing the recordings.
What time zone are the times in the Programme shown in?
The times in the programme adjust to reflect the time zone that your device is set to.
If you want to see the dates in times in the Sydney time zone, you will need to adjust the settings on your device.
What device should I use to watch?
We strongly advise that you view the recordings via your desktop or laptop computer/mac that has good speakers. Mobile devices are supported but the best experience will be through the desktop or laptop computer/mac.