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23rd World Congress on Safety and Health at Work
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Unleashing the power of the cutting-edge: redefining technology in the workplace


Talk Description

Truly transformative impacts, from the cutting edge of AI to digitisation, – technology is at the heart of both OSH challenges and solutions. Join this symposium to explore the world of emerging technologies and how they are transforming our workplaces.  

We’ll explore how to access resources through programs like ChatGPT, capture data with wearable technology, and how to these new processes might forever change the way we tackle worker health and safety. Alongside emerging tech, we will analyse accessibility and adoption in small business and developing countries – such as the use of QR codes and online language translation tools enabling OSH education to be understood by all.   

All of these can have a significant benefit if managed right: allowing workers to access essential health and safety information, guidelines, and resources. But if they aren’t managed correctly, they can cause new burdens such as workplace injuries, employee distrust, work overload and a work-life imbalance. 

Join this symposium to learn how to harness the opportunity and manage the risk of workplace technology.
