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23rd World Congress on Safety and Health at Work
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Terry Wong

General Manager - Move 4 Life

Professional Bio

Professional Insights
Terry Wong is General Manager of Move 4 Life; a company which is all about helping people to MOVE Better & LIVE Better. Move 4 Life helps organisations to reduce the impact and cost of sprain and strain injuries and help future-proof an ageing workforce. Terry is responsible for executing Move 4 Life's work with customers. He is Move 4 Life's Master Trainer and passionately leads the extensive MOVE Trainer network. Since 2000, Terry has been involved in the safety and rehabilitation industry. He spent 8 years working, and eventually running, a business that helped people injured at work rehabilitate through exercise. He then happily turned his attention to align with his “prevention is better than cure” ethos which sees him orchestrate his passion with the work he achieves at Move 4 Life, where he has been since 2008. Check out Terry's Keynote video at

  • Graduate Diploma in Management - Australian Graduate School of Management 
  • Bachelor Applied Science (Physiotherapy) - University of Sydney
  • Bachelor Medical Science (Honours) -University of Sydney 
  • Certificate IV in Workplace Assessment and Training 

Personal insights
Terry is father to 3 teenage children. He is heavily involved in their sporting pursuits as a coach, supporter and chauffeur. Terry is a passionate footballer (soccer) and is a fervent believer that everyone should invest a little something every day into looking after their bodies. He is a constant experimenter/bio-hacking enthusiast who seeks to optimise 3 key elements in life – eating, sleeping and moving.

Terry's Talks

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