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23rd World Congress on Safety and Health at Work
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Jan Primrose

Deputy Secretary - Australian Services Union | NSW & ACT (Services) Branch

Professional Bio

Jan is Assistant State Secretary at the Australian Services Union NSW ACT (Services) Branch, where she works in the Professional Standards and Safety Unit and the Australian College of Community and Disability Practitioners.
She has a professional background in the women’s movement and in the disability sector. She has a long history in the union movement and as a political activist. She has a long term commitment to workplace health and safety as a professional practitioner and as a union official. Jan has worked closely withy SafeWork NSW in the development of sector specific WHS resources and traing for workers and managers. She was involved with the union campaign against James Hardie's attempt to evade compensation responsibilities and was also involved with the successful campaign to introduce industrial manslaughter legislation in NSW. While at the ASU she has worked in the campaign for paid family and domestic violence leave and to introduce vicarious trauma prevention, training and management programs. She has worked extensively with union members to establish safe systems of work, with a particular interest in establishing safe systems of work in workplaces exposed to psychological injury and illness.

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