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Dr Mark Fuellemann
Founder - Practice & Experience
About Dr Mark
Mark Fuellemann, Swiss citizen, born in 1949, graduated 1967 from Ridgwood High School, NJ, USA, 1969 from Kantonschule Baden/Switzerland and 1974 with a Masters in Physics from the ETH Zürich. Further courses included Controlling (Management Zentrum St. Gallen 1983), Senior Management Program (Harvard Business School 1991), Finance (London Business School 2004) and Senior Leadership Program (IMD 2006). Until 1980 he was a consultant for Operations Research at the ETHZ and then a management consultant with Helbling Management Consulting Ltd in Zürich which he run as general manager from 1984 to 1986. Mid 1986 he joined the corporate staff at the Holcim Cement Group (then “Holderbank”) where he lead as a Senior Vice President different staff units such as Business Planning, Global Project Management, Management Reporting and, starting in 2006, Occupational Health and Safety. Upon retiring at the end of July 2011 he started his own consulting company for OH&S as well as writing a PhD thesis on OH&S (SAFETY AT WORK – AN ISSUE OF DAILY MANAGEMENT BEHAVIOR) at the ETH Zürich which led to his doctorate (Dr. sc. ETH) in January 2016. As a consultant he took over as head of Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) of the OC Oerlikon group, another global Swiss company, in order to introduce a OH&S vision and a strategy as well as to run trainings for all managers. (2012 – 2015). He was a speaker at many international conferences such as the Interrnational Congress on Occupational Health (Dublin 2018), the XV Ocupacional Congreso Latinoamericano de Salud (Guatemala 2017), First International Thailand VISION ZERO Conference (Bangkok 2017) and the XXI World Congress on Safety and Health (Singapore 2017). In the Swiss army he was a Lieutenant-Colonel and in politics he is member of the town parliament of Baden.