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Sascha Wischniewski
Head Of Unit Human Factors, Ergonomics - Federal Institute For Occupational Safety And Health (baua)
Professional Bio
Dr. Sascha Wischniewski is head of the unit “Human Factors, Ergonomics” at the German Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA). His fields of expertise are anthropometry and digital human modelling, ergonomics of smart information and communication technologies and human factors in robotics. Sascha is a graduate engineer in mechanical engineering from and holds a doctoral degree in industrial engineering. His work focuses on human-technology interaction in the working world with special emphasis on innovative technologies for physical and cognitive work assistance. He co-leads BAuA's focus programme on occupational safety & health in the digital world of work. He is active in standardization and currently chair of the Technical Committee Human Factors in Robotics of the International Ergonomics Association (IEA).